
The Past Up-dated Records

 - 由最近之更新日期倒序排列

 - Accords to descending order from the latest up-date event

DD.MM.YYYY - 更新事項 Up-date Events

28.07.2004 - 「車輛介紹」一欄新增車款介紹

     More Vehicle Model was Added to "The Vehicle's Profile"

21.07.2004 - 「車輛介紹」一欄新增車款介紹

     More Vehicle Model was Added to "The Vehicle's Profile"

16.07.2004 - 「車輛介紹」一欄新增車款介紹

     More Vehicle Model was Added to "The Vehicle's Profile"

15.07.2004 - 本站加入「電郵給我」一欄

     "E-mail to Me" which added to the Site

14.07.2004 - 本站主頁之選擇部份一欄經已更改版面

     The Layouts of the Select Section of the Site's Main Page was Changed

11.07.2004 - 「車輛介紹」一欄新增車款介紹

     More Vehicle Model was Added to "The Vehicle's Profile"

09.07.2004 - 「車輛介紹」一欄內容更新

     Contents of "The Vehicle's Profile" was Updated

04.07.2004 - 「車輛介紹」一欄內容更新

     Contents of "The Vehicle's Profile" was Updated

02.07.2004 - 本站加入「車輛介紹」一欄

     "The Vehicle's Profile" which added to the Site

07.06.2004 - 於「角色扮演照片薈萃(私影組別)」中


     "Tai Po Bride's Pool" Photo Gallery was Uploaded to

     "Cosplay Photo Constellates (Meeting Section)"

19.04.2004 - 本站加入「過往更新紀錄」

     "The Past Up-dated Records" which Added to the Site

19.04.2004 - 本站部份子網頁經已易名:




     Partly of Daughter Homepages which Renamed by the Site:

     "The Homepages' Relationship" which Renamed as "The Structure";

     "My B. B. S. En-route Stop" which Renamed as "B. B. S. En-route Stop";

     other Names of Daughter Homepages are Remained Unchanged

18.04.2004 - 本站更改版面以方便瀏覽

     Change of the Layout for More Easily to Read

11.04.2004 - 本站主頁加入「HK Cosplayers' Web Ring」

     "HK Cosplayers' Web Ring" which Added to the Main Page of the Site

08.04.2004 - 由即日起,本站之「連結轉綫站」每三至四天更新一次

     "The Links' Interchange" which Up-dated Once in 3 or 4 Days from Today

07.04.2004 - 本站加入「連結轉綫站」一欄

     "The Links' Interchange" which Added to the Site

06.04.2004 - 本站加入「簡介」一欄

     "The Profiles" which Added to the Site

05.04.2004 - 本站加入已附設「網頁直接點擊」功能之「本站地圖」及


     "Homepage Direct Click" Function Included Inside the "The Site Map" and

     "The Homepages' Relationship" which Added to the Site

04.04.2004 - 於「其他照片圖鑑」中上載了《香港赤柱街頭情景》照片集

     "The Senses of Streets at Stanley, Hong Kong" Photo Gallery was Uploaded to

     "Other Photo Galleries"

02.04.2004 - 本站加入「我的留言中途站」一欄

     "My B. B. S. En-route Stop" which Added to the Site

01.04.2004 - 本站正式開幕

     Grand Opening of the Site