歡迎各位蒞臨 ALAN 的照片總站

網址 Website: http://www.alan-photo-terminus.tripod.com

電郵 E-mail Address: tyka01@hotmail.com


Would you want to know the details? Please click the figure above.


...and more details of different models, you can CLICK HERE TO ENTER.


〔維度(像素): 240(W) X 85(H)〕

This is an Official Banner used for Linking to the Site

[Dimension (Pixels): 240(W) X 85(H)]

更新記錄 The Up-date Records

- 只列出最近五項更新紀錄

- Only Five latest up-dates listed here

- 由最近之更新日期倒序排列

- Accords to descending order from the latest up-date event

DD.MM.YYYY - 更新事項 Up-date Events

28.07.2004 - 「車輛介紹」一欄新增車款介紹

     More Vehicle Model was Added to "The Vehicle's Profile"

21.07.2004 - 「車輛介紹」一欄新增車款介紹

     More Vehicle Model was Added to "The Vehicle's Profile"

16.07.2004 - 「車輛介紹」一欄新增車款介紹

     More Vehicle Model was Added to "The Vehicle's Profile"

15.07.2004 - 本站加入「電郵給我」一欄

     "E-mail to Me" which added to the Site

14.07.2004 - 本站主頁之選擇部份一欄經已更改版面

     The Layouts of the Select Section of the Site's Main Page was Changed


Please Clink Here to Enter for Other Detailed Past Up-dated Records.


HK Cosplayers' Web Ring


