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猛師 24.310 型十二米配用傲群 CR223LD 型巴士車身
Man 24.310-12M with Volgren Type CR223LD Bus Body
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Formal Name: Man 12M Air-conditioned Super-low-floor 3-axle Double-decker
尺度:12,000 毫米(長)X 2,500 毫米(闊)X 4,400 毫米(高)
Dimensions: 12,000 mm (Length) X 2,500 mm (Width) X 4,400 mm (Height)
載客量:上層座位 59 人,下層座位 29 人,及下層企位 30 人,總載客量為 118 人
Capacity: 59 passengers for upper-deck seating, 29 passengers for lower-deck seating, and 30 passengers for lower-deck standing, total 118 passengers
主引擎:猛師 D2866LOH-25 歐盟二代,D2866LOH-27 歐盟三代環保標準後置直列式六氣缸柴油引擎
Main Engine: Man D2866LOH-25 Eco-Euro-2, D2866LOH-27 Eco-Euro-3 Standard Rear-mounted Inline 6-cylinder Diesel Engine
氣缸容積:11,967 立方厘米
Displacement: 11,967 c.c. (cubic centimetres)
額定轉速:2,000 轉/分鐘
Governed Speed: 2,000 r.p.m. (revolutions per minute)
最大馬力:228 千瓦(約 310 匹馬力)於 2,000 轉/分鐘
Maximum Power: 228 kW ( 310 bhp approx.) at 2,000 r.p.m.
峰值扭力:1,250 牛頓/米(約 127.5 公斤/米)於 1,600 轉/分鐘
Peak Torque: 1,250 N/m ( 127.5 kg/m approx.) at 1,600 r.p.m.
波箱型式:ZF-Ecomat 5HP590 五前速自動排檔
Gearbox Model: ZF-Ecomat 5HP590 5-speed Automatic Transmission
齒輪比:第一波 - 3.43:1;第二波 - 2.01:1;第三波 - 1.42:1;第四波 - 1:1;第五波 - 0.83:1*;倒後波 - 4.84:1;扭力轉換器 - 2.16:1
Gear Ratios: 1st Gear -3.43:1; 2nd Gear - 2.01:1; 3rd Gear - 1.42:1; 4th Gear - 1:1; 5th Gear - 0.83:1*; Reverse Gear - 4.84:1; Torque Converter - 2.16:1
* 第五波為「超比波」,俗稱為「飛波」,即是齒輪比低於 1 的高速波檔,是有助節省燃油的作用。
* The 5th Gear is an "Overdrive" Gear, or call it "OD" in short, that is the gear ratio of high gear is lower than 1, which is used to help saving fuel.
底盤型號:猛師 24.310HOCL-N/R 型
Chassis Model: Man Type 24.310HOCL-N/R
地台高度(由前門至中門之平均高度):350 毫米(未使用超低地台功能);280 毫米(使用超低地台功能)
Floor Height (Average Height Between Front and Middle Doors): 350 mm (Not Using Kneeling Function); 280 mm (Using Kneeling Function)
Air-conditioning System: Nippondenso, Japan
配用車身:傲群 CR223LD 型
Bus Body Used: Volgren Type CR223LD
Electronic Display Box: Hanover (Used with Factory-build "ERIC+" Controller)
The Year Ex-worked of the First Same Vehicle: Year 2002
現時行走中的路線編號:57M, 60M, 60X, 61M, 61X, 258D, 259E, 260X 等
The Route Numbers under Operation: 57M, 60M, 60X, 61M, 61X, 258D, 259E, 260X, etc.
車隊編號:AMN(定義:Air-conditioned Man)
Fleet Number: AMN (Definition: Air-conditioned Man)
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